Those of you who know a thing or two about us know that we’re very much into our food. You might have perused this blog and noticed a distinct absence of food-related posts. The reason is that some time ago we decided the topic was so huge for us that it deserved its own space, hence the creation of Industrial Brand’s In the Kitchen blog.
Over time, all our Foodie friends started to join the fold and post to the site because that was what it was about – sharing our food experiences with our other passionate friends. They techincally weren’t a part of Industrial Brand though and that posed some problems moving forward with the project. Thus, we made the decision that In the Kitchen would morph into an independent online food blog and stand alone from the company. We renamed it Foodists and have completely re-conceived the site, organizing it in a more graphic and compelling way.
The new site has its own playful identity and simple, colourful layout designed to provide friendly appeal to a broad audience. Instead of opinions, the site will offer “meditations”. Rather than recipes or tips, we’ll share “guidance”. And as opposed to the standard product or restaurant reviews, we celebrate our finds in the “worship” section.
We guarantee you’ll be hungry within a few minutes of reading.